First Github project: CF.Objective Badger
With a little reminder/push from @markdrew and @cfjedimaster, I created and submitted my first project to and When I created the plugin, I thought about what I was going to do for versioning, but didn't think about hosting it on It should have been an obvious choice. Getting the project setup was really easy. I just followed the walk-through from and immediately saw my project come to life as an OSS project.
Here are the steps I took:
- Register for (I did this months ago to watch and fork other projects)
- Install GIT
- From the Dashboard, click New Repository
- Enter the Project Name, Description and Homepage URL (link back to my projects)
- If you don't have an SSH key for your email login, you will need to create that key, here are the commands:
- Add your key to the SSH Public Keys in the Account Settings
- Open Terminal (Mac OSX), run the following commands:
(You might want to create the README and LICENSE files prior to committing the project)
- Make sure you have a README file, with contents
- Make sure you have a LICENSE file if you are going to submit to, but a good idea either way
- This adds all files that are uncommitted
- Click continue on the screen with the instructions, if your project was pushed correctly, you should see the homepage for your project with a listing of the files.
Next I went to and submitted my project for inclusion, since it is ColdFusion related.
I need to add to my project the language, so that it is included in the ColdFusion projects, but I haven't figured out how to do that, yet.